Objectives and Criteria

Governments and industry organisations around the world have begun to issue directives on how supply chain and logistics processes should be adapted to minimise their impact on the environment, and consumers in many countries are increasingly questioning whether production processes and delivery methods meet certain environmental standards before making a purchase decision.

The LAA Enviro Award is aimed at rewarding organisations that are taking cognisance of this trend and are making genuine efforts to minimise the environmental impact of their supply chain processes.

The criteria for the Awards are:

  • Companies should demonstrate compliance with environmental regulations, both national and international.
  • Companies will need to illustrate success in minimising waste from the supply chain process and the overall adoption of ‘green’ practices across their supply chains.
  • Companies will need to demonstrate success in reducing their carbon footprint.
  • Companies will need to illustrate success in transforming the green agenda into a business opportunity that offers added value.
  • Companies should be proven to regularly take measures to improve their environmental performance, such as through the application of environmental criteria to assess and choose suppliers, transporters and other partners.

The entrants will be judged on a submission of approximately 1 000 words, along with any supporting documentation the entrant company feels is necessary to support its case.

Competition Rules

The Competition Rules are as follows:

Competing companies are required to submit an official competition entry, as called for in this document. Completed Entry documents to reach us by 31 May 2024

Companies can submit as many entries as they see fit, provided that each entry is independent of one another.

If the company wishing to enter is a supplier of a product or service, the ideal is to have it as a joint entry by the supplier and one of their clients, or alternatively, an entry by the user of the product or service to allow verification of results. The exact nature of the entry relationship must be stated at the outset.

Companies are required to be interviewed by nominated Judges, and will be required to make available to them all information and records substantiating the declared environmental or greening claims. The Judges may also request a site visit. Judges will sign a confidentiality agreement with Logistics News, and can, if required, sign a confidentiality agreement with the individual entering companies. All potential conflicts of interest will be avoided wherever they are known to exist.

The entries could be categorised at the discretion of the Judges to allow meaningful comparison with other entries in the same economic sector, company size or focus area. Winning projects will be presented in a special Case Study Annual (subject to editorial review by the entering company).

Winners may also be asked to present their projects at an annual industry seminar organised by Logistics News which has first rights in this regard.

The selection of the winners will be at the sole discretion of the Judges, and their decision will be final. No correspondence will be entered into.

Please ensure that you have read, understood and accepted the competition rules.